it's all about

customized group training

Clients have the option to customize their training based upon the developmental needs of their employees/teams/organization. Many clients prefer a series of 3-6 large group trainings with periods of reflection incorporated in between training sessions. This is most effective to assess growth and impact. Session times can vary between 1-2.5 hours and can be on site or online. Our team has traveled across the country and would be more than willing to for you. All of the trainings are 100% customizable to your organization's needs, but below you will find some examples of recent work. We have had companies choose one category or the entire sequence. You tell us your pain points and we will provide you with anchor points that build sustainable success! 

"Defining a Leader”: This session will investigate the influential role of a leader, and how the leader can best utilize their influence to communicate with members. This session will integrate the Social Styles assessment to assist members with identifying potential team dynamic conflicts.

"Managerial Courage": Having gained personal insight into their unique social styles, motivations, and the situational factors that can contribute to sustainable interpersonal relationships, this session will focus on "the things that stand in our way" of having courageous conversations with others. Authentic leadership styles will be discussed to include strategies for delivering feedback to others: The good, the bad, and the really ugly.

“Accountability: Not a Four-Letter Word": The hallmark of great leaders is the legacy succession of leaders they leave in their wake. Recognizing that all great leaders seek reciprocal accountability from their team, this session is focused on the responsibility that leaders have to develop and mentor their followers for sustainable success. Specific "Accountability Escalation" steps will be provided for implementing increased levels of accountability measures dependent upon interpersonal and situational factors.

“Engaging Employees and Performance Management”: For over the past three decades, research indicates that only 21% of the average workplace is engaged. This alarming factor not only has drastic financial implications to organizations (costing approximately 34% of each disengaged employee's annual salary), but it has impactful deleterious effects on employees. From affecting an employees’ health, to their performance, to organizational commitment, this session will allow members the opportunity to adopt tools for creating holistically successful work environments.





Session Examples

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Leadership Traps-Navigating Messy Leadership

With the isolation brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the growing advancements in Artificial Intelligence, developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships is critical for sustainable success. Emotional intelligence is a distinguishable advantage in the workplace, with relationship management being the biggest area where most of us still need some help. However, sometimes fear of failure, insecurity, or even over-confidence may get in the way of us crafting collaborative relationships. This interactive training will take an honest look at some of the pitfalls that naturally occur along our leadership development paths. This robust course is created as an intensive personal and professional development experience toward sustainable success. Specifically, the course is intended to identify and address the leadership challenges that can prevent growth of the individual, others, and ultimately the trade. It will support leaders in learning how to establish and maintain credibility, facilitate buy-in for change endeavors, navigate the phenomenon of Imposter Syndrome and the Peter Principle that occurs with new leadership roles, identify and pre-emptively mitigate Burnout, and overall instill the focus of quality, collaborative, relationship-building to further themselves, others, and the organization.

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Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Courageous Conversations-Leveraging Credibility with Colleagues

Sometimes, having hard conversations is easiest with the people with whom we've already established credibility and relationships. However, for many, it is difficult to deliver bad news to someone we work alongside and like! Therefore, it is critical that we investigate how we can reframe difficult conversations into developmental ones. In this training we will consider how we build and maintain credibility with our colleagues, as well as how we prioritize our relationships over short-term challenges. We'll focus on the impossible deadline, or the overloaded schedule...or even that super annoying habit...and think of how we can engage our colleague to problem-solve the issue at hand. In this manner, we focus away from transactional, bi-directional, communication and instead lean into transformative, robust, conversations. We will also incorporate an Accountability Dial discussion to ensure that these conversations are developmental rather than adversarial.

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Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Courageous Conversations-Empowered External Customers

We've all heard the saying that "knowledge is power" and we can apply this concept to our advantage when delivering bad news to our external customers. In this session, we'll focus on building credibility as we clearly communicate the expectations that we have of the external customer/vendor/contractor, as well as what they can expect from us. We will discuss the psychology behind how uncertain waits are longer than known, finite, waits (this goes against the saying "no news is good news"!) in addition to other psychological barriers that can inhibit us from clear communication with unknown parties. With this reframe in mind, we can start to craft patience and clear communication with our customers that allows us to maintain long-lasting relationships...even when they may not be too thrilled with the news we deliver!

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Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Identifying High-Potential Employees & Generational Mentorship

As of the latest research in fall 2023, Global talent shortage is at a 17-year high with 77% of organizations unable to find the talent they need. We have a 55% increase in exit rates of employees with 5-15 years of tenure resigning. A nation-wide governmental focus is on strengthening unions. It is estimated that the U.S. workforce will be comprised of 50% freelancers by 2030. The way we conducted work previously will no longer yield sustainable success. Our recruiting efforts will not yield ROI, and our mentoring programs need reengineering. We are at an inflexion point, and it is imperative we focus on transforming our organizations away from recruiting talent, to developing talent in-house. This training will provide strategies for crafting developmental mentorship programs, offer insight on structuring Shadow Boards, and offer reflection tools for HR and organizational leaders to set a legacy of Generational Mentorship.

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Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Well-Being & Burnout

While employee engagement research has shown a correlation to disengagement and negative employee well-being for several decades, recent global events and trends have exacerbated this impact. In fact, the US Surgeon General issued a report in May 2023 stating loneliness and isolation are at epidemic levels and called for efforts to create connection, community, and collaboration. Approximately 50% of GenZs and 40% of Millennials report feeling stressed the majority of the time at work (Deloitte, 2023). Globally, 89% of employees have reported experiencing burnout (Visier Report, 2020), and 53% of employees believe their work is suffering due to poor mental health (ADP, 2022). The World Health Organisation estimates that 12 billion working days are lost annually around the world to mental and emotional health alone, costing $1 trillion in lost productivity each year (McKinsey, 2023). Workplace well-being programs across the globe will double to over $100 billion annually in the next decade. Unfortunately, many outdated leadership practices make the mistake of believing employee well-being is the responsibility of the employee rather than that it is heavily influenced by workplace conditions. In this training we will empower the leader with tools to craft a sustainably successful environment focused on collaboration rather than competition. Specifically, we will discuss ways leaders can foster connection, community, and cooperation to help mitigate stress and improve the overall health of the workplace.

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Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Asking the Hard Questions & Building Credibility

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Credibility is the fulcrum of leadership influence and is the currency with which we develop and maintain relationships. As such, this session will investigate the personal tools each leader may utilize when establishing, and recovering, credibility. Leaders will be challenged to detail their specific situational talents and strategies that have historically assisted, and foiled, their ability to earn and maintain credibility.

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Accountability-Not a Four-Letter Word

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We often talk of holding others accountable, but when was the last time we asked others to hold us accountable? Recognizing that all great leaders seek reciprocal accountability from their team, this session is focused on the responsibility that leaders have to develop and mentor their followers for sustainable success. Specific "Accountability Escalation" steps will be provided for implementing increased levels of accountability measures dependent upon interpersonal and situational factors.

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Engaging Employees & Performance Management

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For over the past three decades, research indicates that approximately only 20% of the average workplace is engaged. This alarming factor not only has drastic financial implications to organizations (costing approximately 34% of each disengaged employee's annual salary), but it has impactful deleterious effects on employees. From affecting an employees’ health, to their performance, to employee commitment, this session will allow leaders the opportunity to adopt tools for creating holistically successful work environments.

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Navigating Imposter Syndrome

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Studies indicate that as much as 82% of employees and leaders suffer from Imposter Syndrome. Exacerbating this phenomenon are cultural environments focused on competition rather than collaboration, comparison metrics, and mis-aligned reward systems. This session illustrates the nuance of this phenomena, the impact it has on individuals, teams, and organizations (increased Burnout, lack of utilizing resources/asking for help, quality issues, etc.), as well as offers tangible strategies for focusing on connection.

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Owning Our Toxic Leadership

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Leadership is a tool- one which can be utilized as a gift to serve others, and one that can be wielded as a weapon for self-promotion. Therefore, we must be good stewards of the power of our influence on others. This reflection-based, self-awareness required, session will provide members with facilitating transparent organizational communication and avoiding the "colluders" and "conformers" that accompany toxic leadership practices. Blending team-dynamics and leadership strategies, this session focuses on the very realistic "leadership trap" that can befall even the most well-intentioned leaders.

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Performance Alignment

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This session will present reasons why organizations, as well as employees, often fail to reach performance goals. In order for an organization to perform optimally, strategic alignment must exist between recruiting, training, and operational strategies. This session will provide leaders with hands-on application of strategic planning alignment.

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Organizational Unlearning

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A common organizational performance stalemate is the oft-repeated phrase of "This is the way we've always done it". Presenting cutting-edge developmental research, this session will focus on ways that members can reduce the influence of prior-mental models in predicting the outcomes of current and future endeavors. This focus on unlearning creates a reframing mindset that fosters creative thinking, robust problem-solving, and promotes more team collaboration. 

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Leading Through a Crisis

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During periods of crisis, people look to their leader. While this makes sense, it can also incur an enormous burden on the leader who feels the need to be “More Superhero, Less Yoda” which can lead to increased stress in an already stressful situation. This session is intended to assist leaders with navigating their team members, and themselves, through myriad crisis situations. A special emphasis is placed on the Circle of Control model to empower leaders with strategies for remaining focused in times of distraction.

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Individual & Organizational Behavior

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The Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE) bias is based on this premise: I judge you based on your behavior, but I judge myself based on my intentions. Most of what contributes to an individual’s behavior is invisible, and FAE prompts us to believe that other’s just don’t care about their work or that they are lazy, etc. While it is incumbent upon us all to be more effective communicators to better understand each other, the reality is that as leaders we have a responsibility to develop our people and our trade. This natural FAE bias- that we all have- keeps us from growing the individual, our crews, and the trade forward. Therefore this training is focused on broadening our awareness of our unawareness and intentionally taking action to overcome biases we may unknowingly carry. 

Course Catalog

We customize all of our keynotes and trainings to address the specific and current pain points of our clients. Below are some prior topics we've helped our clients navigate.
Please click on each title to get the course description.

Navigating Change & Creating Buy-In

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Change is a natural phenomenon and even when it is perceived as a positive action, it is disruptive. This course will prepare the learner for pre-emptively building credibility and facilitating buy-in for a change endeavor. Additionally, the learner will learn specific techniques for leading change by identifying the factors that derail successful change initiatives, as well as providing strategic pathways to becoming a sustainably successful change agent.

Online Training

We offer 3-week, self-paced, online courses to help you develop and enhance your leadership skills. We address your pain points, give you anchor points for success and then teach you how to develop others the same way. No matter where you are in your career or life, we'll meet you where you're at and help you grow into the leader you deserve to be!

group trainings

Clients have the option to customize their training based upon the developmental needs of their employees/teams/organization. Many clients prefer a series of 3-6 large group trainings with periods of reflection incorporated in between training sessions. In order to best fit your needs, group trainings can be done in-person or online. This is most effective to assess growth and impact.

individual mentoring sessions

Clients may select one-on-one mentoring sessions to customize your leader development to meet your own specific needs. While these 1-hr sessions are an option typically paired with online or large-group training programs, we offer stand-alone one-on-one mentoring sessions to assist you as you grow your influence and impact.

What we do


We offer customized keynote sessions tailored to meet the current needs of our clients. Some of our recent keynotes have related to: Posturing Out of Imposter Syndrome, Mentoring and Succession Planning, Effective Strategies for Creating Buy-In, and Navigating Burnout.

Online Training

We offer 3-week, self-paced, online courses to help you develop and enhance your leadership skills. We address your pain points, give you anchor points for success and then teach you how to develop others the same way. No matter where you are in your career or life, we'll meet you where you're at and help you grow into the leader you deserve to be!

group trainings

Clients have the option to customize their training based upon the developmental needs of their employees/teams/organization. Many clients prefer a series of 3-6 large group trainings with periods of reflection incorporated in between training sessions. In order to best fit your needs, group trainings can be done in-person or online. This is most effective to assess growth and impact.

individual mentoring sessions

Clients may select one-on-one mentoring sessions to customize your leader development to meet your own specific needs. While these 1-hr sessions are an option typically paired with online or large-group training programs, we offer stand-alone one-on-one mentoring sessions to assist you as you grow your influence and impact.

What we do


We offer customized keynote sessions tailored to meet the current needs of our clients. Some of our recent keynotes have related to: Posturing Out of Imposter Syndrome, Mentoring and Succession Planning, Effective Strategies for Creating Buy-In, and Navigating Burnout.