
Being a leader in this world can be difficult and you may find it hard to grow because of the traps we fall in. We are here to help by identifying that trap (pain point), why an individual may have fallen into it and how to navigate through it (anchor point). We will then teach you how to recognize when others are facing challenges and how to develop them forward. We offer custom built classes that we are sure will help develop you further into the strong leader you want to become. Let's get you, or your team, signed up today!

ONLINE training courses

With the isolation brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the growing advancements in Artificial Intelligence, developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships is critical for sustainable success. Emotional intelligence is a distinguishable advantage in the workplace, with relationship management being the biggest area where most of us still need some help. However, sometimes fear of failure, insecurity, or even our egos may contribute to Imposter Syndrome and get in the way of us crafting meaningful relationships. That's why we're here to guide you not only in learning how to develop your interpersonal skills but also how to teach others to do the same.

- Confidence
- Influence (Leadership)
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Self-Reflection

Studies indicate that around 75% of all change endeavors fail- which is especially concerning considering that organizations undergo moderate change yearly and transformative change approximately every 3 years! Additionally, we are often told to "adapt" to change which makes us reactive and instinctual rather than responsive and intentional about the changes we are undertaking. Therefore, this training is designed to help you be more agile in navigating change. Afterall, aren't you tired of that common organizational performance stalemate of the oft-repeated phrase you've heard: "This is the way we've always done it"? We're here to help with that! Presenting cutting-edge developmental research, this session will focus on ways that you can reduce the influence of prior experiences as predictors of outcomes of current and future endeavors. We'll also help you identify and transform change resistors to help ensure collective sustainable success.

- Confidence
- Agility
- Transformational and Incremental Change
- Collaboration
- Strategic Team Creation

Current studies indicate that over 42% of global employees are experiencing burnout, and that these employees are over 3x more likely to look for a new job in the next year (Future Forum Pulse Report, Winter 2022-2023). Couple this with 75% of organizations citing trouble finding talent (ManPower Group Employment Outlook Report, Q1 2023) and 81% of employees expecting their organization to provide relevant training programs (Edelman Trust Barometer, 2021), it is clear that leaders need to focus efforts on retention strategies such as mentoring initiatives. However, this is a tricky process as we often discuss mentoring in ambiguous terms!
Therefore, this training will provide an action-based framework that addresses the Why, When, What, Who, and How of building developmental relationship programs. The discussion will highlight not only bi-directional mentoring, but also dynamic mentoring approaches and how those approaches can increase employee engagement and bolster retention outcomes. As well, detailed, tangible, steps for crafting and monitoring Shadow Boards will be provided.

- Mentoring
- Influence (Leadership)
- Conflict Transformation
- Collaboration
- Enhancing Engagement

This is a two part course where we address both internal and external communication.

Internal: Sometimes, having hard conversations is easiest with the people with whom we've already established credibility and relationships. However, for many, it is difficult to deliver bad news to someone they work alongside and like! Therefore, it is critical that we investigate how we can reframe difficult conversations into developmental ones. In this training we will consider how we build and maintain credibility with our colleagues, as well as how we prioritize our relationships over short-term challenges. We'll focus on the impossible deadline, or the overloaded schedule...or even that super annoying habit...and think of how we can engage our colleague to problem-solve the issue at hand. In this manner, we focus away from transactional, bi-directional, communication and instead lean into transformative, robust, conversations. We will also incorporate an Accountability Dial discussion to ensure that these conversations are developmental rather than adversarial.

External: We've all heard the saying that "knowledge is power" and we can apply this concept to our advantage when delivering bad news to our external customers. In this session, we'll focus on clearly communicating the expectations that we have of the customer, as well as what they can expect from us. Focusing on how we can compassionately appreciate the disruption that bad news may bring our customers, we will discuss the psychology behind how uncertain waits are longer than known, finite, waits (this goes against the saying "no news is good news"!). We will also consider Attribution Bias, the theory that states we judge ourselves based on our intentions but judge others based on their behavior's. With this reframe in mind, we can start to craft patience, empathy, and clear communication with our customers that allows us to maintain long-lasting relationships...even if they aren't too thrilled with the news we deliver!  

- Conflict Transformation
- Influence (Leadership)
- Credibility and Confidence
- Teamwork
- Communication

Build Your Confidence: Challenging Imposter Syndrome

Utilize Change to Grow:
Navigate Disruption for Sustainable Success

Develop a Legacy:
Build a Mentoring

Enhance Your Credibility:
Grow Your Communication Skills

3 Week

3 Week

Certification of Professional Development

Taught by
Dr. Mandolen Mull

Optional Weekly Zoom Q&A Sessions 

Can Be Customized To An Organization

per Class

Skill Areas You Will Develop in This Course:

Skill Areas You Will Develop in This Course:

Skill Areas You Will Develop in This Course:

Skill Areas You Will Develop in This Course:

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Group Consulting

Online Training

We offer 3-week, self-paced, online courses to help you develop and enhance your leadership skills. We address your pain points, give you anchor points for success and then teach you how to develop others the same way. No matter where you are in your career or life, we'll meet you where you're at and help you grow into the leader you deserve to be!

group trainings

Clients have the option to customize their training based upon the developmental needs of their employees/teams/organization. Many clients prefer a series of 3-6 large group trainings with periods of reflection incorporated in between training sessions. In order to best fit your needs, group trainings can be done in-person or online. This is most effective to assess growth and impact.

individual mentoring sessions

Clients may select one-on-one mentoring sessions to customize your leader development to meet your own specific needs. While these 1-hr sessions are an option typically paired with online or large-group training programs, we offer stand-alone one-on-one mentoring sessions to assist you as you grow your influence and impact.

What we do


We offer customized keynote sessions tailored to meet the current needs of our clients. Some of our recent keynotes have related to: Posturing Out of Imposter Syndrome, Mentoring and Succession Planning, Effective Strategies for Creating Buy-In, and Navigating Burnout.

Online Training

We offer 3-week, self-paced, online courses to help you develop and enhance your leadership skills. We address your pain points, give you anchor points for success and then teach you how to develop others the same way. No matter where you are in your career or life, we'll meet you where you're at and help you grow into the leader you deserve to be!

group trainings

Clients have the option to customize their training based upon the developmental needs of their employees/teams/organization. Many clients prefer a series of 3-6 large group trainings with periods of reflection incorporated in between training sessions. In order to best fit your needs, group trainings can be done in-person or online. This is most effective to assess growth and impact.

individual mentoring sessions

Clients may select one-on-one mentoring sessions to customize your leader development to meet your own specific needs. While these 1-hr sessions are an option typically paired with online or large-group training programs, we offer stand-alone one-on-one mentoring sessions to assist you as you grow your influence and impact.

What we do


We offer customized keynote sessions tailored to meet the current needs of our clients. Some of our recent keynotes have related to: Posturing Out of Imposter Syndrome, Mentoring and Succession Planning, Effective Strategies for Creating Buy-In, and Navigating Burnout.